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Nymphadora's Attic


So I'm finally snuggled up, with my stomach almost as full as my heart. I've been enjoying my time in my hometown far too much, lately. It has been blissful to get together with my loved ones again and Christmas has been particularly eventful, with the usual excess of food and drinks. But now I've attained such a state of peaceful slumber, I wish you could partake on it. In my family, we do not exchange presents, but that does not dim the light of this season for us.

I know the "Best of the Year" "craze" has been going on from the beginning of December, but it wasn't until recently that I've realized 2015 will be the year for reading books that already rest on my shelves. I've accumulated quite a number of them and I've been reading far too slowly, so that will be one of my resolutions - to spend less money on them. I'll surely accompany that with some French reads in my Kobo Aura, and some borrowed ones too.

All in all, it's been a great literary year, I'm not going to finish anything else until the very end of it, but 55 books is a great number for me and I'm ready to embrace 2015 :)
Hope you all have lots of fun in the days to come and may we all have an amazing New Year * J.
Source: http://heartbeatvariations.blogspot.pt